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Currently Open and Accepting New Clients

Fully Vaccinated Massage Therapist - KN95/N95 Masked

The guidelines from CMMOTA (Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association) are very strict, in order to keep you safe! Here is some information specifically about COVID19 protocols! 


Covid19 Protocols


MASKS: If you have been recently travelling, or work in a high risk setting, I might still ask you to wear a mask when you are face up! I can provide a disposable mask for you. 


WAITING AREA: Knox has a large front room for aesthetics and you are more than welcome to come a little early and sit before your appointment! If you prefer to come at a time with less people, let me know and I will check my schedule. Typically late evening appointments and Sundays are the least peopley times when it's just me and maybe another therapist.


HAND SANITIZER: There will be lots of it.  If you do not remember the last time that you sanitized your hands, it is time to do it again.


CANCELLATIONS: I will not charge a cancellation fee if you are sick and have to cancel last-minute, but I reserve the right to not refund any payments made in advance if you show up sick!! 

This includes leaving out information before booking the appointment, such as vacations, or close contact (15+ minutes with someone who has tested positive for COVID19 in the last 14 days), or recently developed symptoms that you forgot to mention before.


We are adhering to Health Canada guidelines with our sanitizing/disinfecting protocols in between clients (surfaces including the table, light switches, door handles, and countertops are disinfected with approved solutions). If you have any questions about how Knox approaches cleanliness, please feel free to shoot me an email! 




For Your Safety


It is recommended that you take the COVID19 self-assessment tool before booking an appointment, and before coming to your appointment. You can find that here: 

I will be going over the pre-screening questions before each appointment in person as well in case any information has changed. 


If you are immunocompromised from a recent non-COVID illness, or have a condition that is high risk (including but not limited to cardiovascular conditions, diabetes or other neuropathy, kidney/liver related conditions, autoimmune disorders, pre-disposition to inflammation) - book at your own risk. I am still wearing KN95/N95 masks at work, but I am also a part-time actor and I volunteer at large events, so I do regularly have contact with other unmasked individuals. I rapid test after large events and have an air purifier in the room with me. 


Last covid/flu vaccines received October 16, 2024


For My Safety


If you develop symptoms within a 3 day period after your appointment, or are otherwise required to isolate because of a contact prior to your appointment but only receive notification after, please let me know as soon as you can! If you are waiting for results for a test, I cannot book you until it is cleared. 


The typical symptoms for COVID19 include: fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, and decrease or loss of sense of smell or taste, among others. If you have allergies, that's okay! If you notice your allergies are worse than usual or presenting differently, then it is recommended that you self-isolate and request a test by calling 811. Many clients are choosing to stay safe, just in case their allergies are not just allergies. I encourage you to make the best decision for your health and mine.


As always, if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out!


Last updated October 2024

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Cleaning and Disinfecting

Some of these protocol points seem like common knowledge, but I have done my best to write them down just in case you were curious, also for legal purposes. Current PPE involves safety glasses/goggles over a KN95 or N95, and an apron that is changed between clients.

General protocols:​



  • Wipeable pillowcases and PUV covers for table and headrest.

  • PPE includes mask, apron, safety glasses/goggles, and sometimes scrub cap.

  • Sanitizable shoes specifically for wearing in work space only. 

  • Hand sanitizer being used before touching common items such as tablet and pens. Hand washing preferred before touching clean sheets, tablet/desk area, and after touching used linens, after cleaning, handling money or cards. 

  • Face cradle covers and aprons can be washed together in mesh bags

  • Cleaning rags washed separate from other linens in mesh bags: two cycles, first with just hot water and detergent, second with cold water, bleach, detergent. NO REUSABLE RAGS USED ON TOILET OR SINKS - One use paper towel or throw away rags only!

  • 30 minutes in between clients. Exceptions may be made for clients from the same household. 

  • Track social outings and events for easy contact tracing and calculating exposure risks.


When clients are here:

  • Use towel to get in and out of room, use towel to touch door knobs, light switches, face cradle lever, etc. Foot for pedals. Bare hands are only used on sheet, blanket, tool, oil bottle, and client of course.

  • Sanitize client hands and (if applicable) feet with hand sanitizer in room before performing services on those extremities. 


Cleaning between clients:

  • Change sheets

  • Pre-Empt (H2O2 sanitizing solution) on table, stool, heating pad, pillow cover, face cradle (including handle, steel, and support part), legs of table, sides of table cover, table heater control, table extenders, heating pad control, chair in room, stool at reception, top of dresser and knobs of drawers, light switches, tall reception table, door handles/knobs from side door to laundry room, stair railing, outdoor knobs. Wipe with non-absorbent cloth to spread and let dry

  • If bathroom was used: use Lysol All Purpose ammonia product (25% dilution) on toilet, sink, door knobs, light switches. Spray towel basket with Lysol (25% dilution) and let dry before refilling.If time allows: mop floor in bathroom and laundry room. Let sit for 10 minutes and wipe with paper towel (discard paper towel and gloves immediately after). 

  • Spray reception barrier with 70% alcohol or ethanol disinfectant, let dry. 

  • Empty garbages

  • Put apron in the wash after doing sheets.

  • If silicone cups were used: wash with hot water and dish soap, wipe with H2O2 (3%) and let dry, or soak in bleach (10% dilution) for 10 minutes, then rinse and let dry. 

  • If plastic cups were used: wash with hot water and dish soap, let sit in bowl with bleach (10% dilution) for 30 minutes. Rinse and let dry.

  • If other tools were used: wash with hot water and dish soap, wipe with H2O2 (3%) and let dry.

  • Wipe shoes (tops and bottoms) with bleach solution (10%) and let dry, when mopping floor.

  • If feet were requested and crockpot used, wipe down exterior of appliance with H2O2 (3%), wash inner pot with hot water and dish soap, wipe with H2O2 (3%) and let dry.


End of Day 

  • Clean laptop, phone, tablet

  • Reception chair and lower tables sprayed with 70% isopropyl or ethanol disinfectant, wipe with non-absorbent cloth and let dry.

  • Rinse kitchen sink, spray with Lysol All Purpose ammonium spray, let sit 10 minutes then wipe with paper towel and discard.

  • Sweep or vacuum.

  • Wash safety glasses/goggles, let dry.

  • Strip outer layer (scrubs) into pillowcase in bucket. Leave bucket on door mat in entrance.

  • Mop floor with bleach (8-10% dilution) from bathroom up to stairs. Disinfect shoes.

  • Remove scrub cap and mask, chuck into bucket from top stair, exit stair well, breathe. Immediately take shower. 


Weekly (Saturday or Sunday night)

  • Wash doors with bleach solution (8-10%) 

  • Wash cupboards where aprons, glasses, oil are stored

  • Spray empty closet spaces with 70% isopropyl or ethanol disinfectant and let dry.

  • Pull everything away from walls to get corners of walls, baseboards, wipe any grime with paper towel and discard, mop properly


Monthly (1st to 3rd of each month)​

  • Spray down shoe mats with ammonia (10%)

  • Scrub floor with Citrikleen using specific BEEmop


Any weekly or monthly chores may be done earlier if needed. End of day chores may be done during the day as well if time allows. (ex. Bathroom cannot always be mopped in between clients, but if time allows, YES.)


Last Updated: October 2022

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